Membership System / Customer Relationship System 會員系統/客戶關系管理系統 It is benefical for maintaining the sales information and contacts on your customers, for further marketing strategy and keeping relationship between your customers and your business! Our system can provides functions as follows: 會員系統/客戶關系管理系統有助你了解有關銷售的資料和客戶的關絡資料,亦可以藉統計資料去預計營商市場策劃及保持與客戶的關繫。我們的系統可提供下列功能: Order Management 訂單跟踪管理 Tracking order details跟踪訂單 Membership Management 會員管理 Contains Member information for easier contact your customer管理會員資料,有助與你的客戶保持連絡 Analysis 數據分析 Analysis on sales分析銷售數據 Optimizing your business with us! 優化你的業務! LET'S TALK 與我們聯絡