Logistics / ERP System 物流/企業資源計劃系統 It is high cost if using human to maintain the logistic information and monitoring resources in your business. So having an integrated system to manage these will greatly reduce your maintanence cost. Our system can provides functions as follows: 使用人手去管理物流和公司資源需要花費不少資源;使用我們整合的系統能有助減低管理成本。我們的系統可提供下列功能: HR Management System 人力資源管理系統 Handle HR-related issues, e.g. Attendance and Leave Application處理人力資源事宜,如出勤、請假 Order Management 訂單跟踪管理 Tracking order details跟踪訂單 Stock Management 庫存管理 Tracking Stocks跟踪庫存 Analysis 數據分析 Analysis on sales分析銷售數據 Optimizing your business with us! 優化你的業務! LET'S TALK 與我們聯絡