TVP supports your business

We can help for applying TVP fundings


我們可助你申請 TVP 科技券資助

TVP Introduction 科技券介紹

  • Support local enterprises in using
    technological services and solutions

  • Improve productivity, or
    upgrade or transform their business processes
    提高生產力 或 將業務流程升級轉型
  1. Registered in Hong Kong; or Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong 
    在香港登記 在香港註冊成立的公司

  2. With substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.

  3. Need to be in operation for at least half a year
  1. For Unlimited Company:
    Form 1(a)/1(c) of the Business Registration Office
    無限公司: 商業登記署表格1(a)/1(c)

    For Limited Company:
    Annual Return of the Companies Registry (Form NAR1)
    有限公司: 公司註冊處周年申報表 (Form NAR1)

  2. Invoices and Receipts related to the project
    within latest 3 months

  3. Hong Kong Identity Card or passport

  4. Business Registration Certificate

  5. Payslip / MPF Contribution Advice
    薪資證明 / 強積金供款紀錄
  • Provide funding for projects on a 3 (Government):1 (enterprise) matching basis.
  • Per enterprise: Cumulative funding ceiling is HK$600,000 and up to 6 projects.

  • 3(政府):1(企業)配對模式為項目提供資助。
  • 每個企業累計資助上限為60萬港元並最多可獲批6個項目
  1. A product / A service
    • Website 網頁
    • Mobile Application 手機應用程式
    • System 系統

  2. Sustainable development